
Hi!, I'm not a robot 🤖, I'm Rogelio, A Fullstack Web Developer.

My passion is building functional, beautiful, user friendly Websites and Applications 🖥️.

I also run an Online Blog 🗒️, as well as a Youtube channel 🎥 where i share all things related to Programming and IT.

 _____                                        _     _____            __         
 / ____|                                      | |   |_   _|          / _|        
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| | |_ |  / _ \ | '_ \   / _ \ | '__|  / _` | | |     | |   | '_ \  |  _|  / _ \ 
| |__| | |  __/ | | | | |  __/ | |    | (_| | | |    _| |_  | | | | | |   | (_) |
 \_____|  \___| |_| |_|  \___| |_|     \__,_| |_|   |_____| |_| |_| |_|    \___/ 

echo $Roger-Contact-Information

echo $Roger-Skills

  • > C# & .NET
  • > SQL & Entity-Framework
  • > React
  • > HTML, CSS & Javascript
  • > Bootstrap
  • > Git

echo $Roger-Soft-Skills

  • > Self-Management
  • > Teamwork and Collaboration
  • > Attention to Detail
  • > Communication
  • > Problem Solving

echo $Roger-Languages

  • > English 🇺🇸
  • > Spanish 🇪🇸

echo $Roger-Education

echo $Roger-Certifications

Project Online Dice

Online Dice Roller & Coin Flip It's an online tool that simulates a die and generates random numbers based on the selected number of sides.

Thanks to its simple-intuitive design and ease of use, this tool drives over a thousand users per week.


  • HTML

  • CSS

  • Javascript

  • CSS Animations

  • Bootstrap

View Website View Code on GitHub
Project LED Cube

LED Cube

With eye-catching animations and colorful gradients, the LED Cube is an incredible display project.

In recent years, the project has been used in college fairs and events.


  • C Programming Language

  • Microcontrollers

  • Arduino

  • Arduino IDE

  • SparkFun Libraries

Project Leigth's Website


Build for the popular streamer and content creator "Leigth", this website was build to achieve a stronger online presence.


  • .NET

  • C#

  • SMTP

  • HTML

  • CSS

  • JavaScript

  • ES6

  • JQuery

  • Bootstrap

  • SweetAlert2

View Website View Code on GitHub
Project Roger Codes


This website it's my personal programming blog, build with the intention of sharing tips and useful information about coding and IT.


  • PHP

  • Wordpress

  • MySQL

  • HTML

  • CSS

  • Javascript

View Website
Project Control Practicas

Control Prácticas

This was my Final project for my Computer Science Major, Built with Legacy Technologies.

The objective of this Application is to give Teachers a platform to upload course materials, and students can access, view and download them.


  • WebForms


  • JQuery


  • SQL

  • HTML

  • CSS

  • Javascript

  • Bootstrap